There are more than 147 million orphans in our world today
87.6 million orphans live in Asia
​43.4 million orphans live in Sub-Saharan Africa
​12.4 million orphans live in Latin America and the Caribbean​
Get some greater context on these stats in this fantastic resource On Understanding Orphan Statistics
More than 20 million of these children are waiting to be adopted worldwide
Every year 12 million children become orphans
Every 14 seconds an AIDS death leaves another child orphaned​
In Ukraine and Russia, 10%-15% of children who leave orphanages commit suicide before the age of 18
In many countries, children who are not adopted by the age of 5 are transferred to mental institutions where they live the remainder of their years in cribs or “laying rooms”
In 2013/2014 there were only 97 children adopted internationally to BC families and only 74 in 2014/2015 (AFABC)
Approximately 63,000 children across Canada were living in government care in 2021(https://cafdn.org/)
Government care means they’ve been removed from their family homes due to abuse, neglect, or abandonment and placed in the care of their local child welfare agency.
Child welfare agencies are provincially regulated organizations mandated to protect the rights and well-being of children in their local communities.
Children living in government care are typically placed in a kinship arrangement with extended family members, with a foster family, or in an institutional setting like a group home.
In Canada, there are more than 30,000 children waiting to be adopted
Only ~2,000 children are adopted each year (https://cafdn.org/)
If ONE out of every 1000 people adopted ONE of Canada’s waiting children, there would be no more waiting children in our nation
More than 1000 children are waiting to be adopted in BC
More than 300 of these waiting children are 12 years old or older
If ONE family out of every TWO churches adopted a waiting child in BC, there would be no more waiting children in BC child welfare system
In 2014/2015 there were only 265 of BC's waiting children adopted (AFABC)
In Canada there are more than 70,000 children in foster care
In BC there are more than 8,100 children in foster care
More than 600 children each year age out of the BC foster care system (AFABC)
Children who age out of foster care typically don’t have a family to go back to, nor do they continue to receive government support as a child in care
In Manitoba, there were 4,905 children, from infants to age 14, who were in foster care at the time of the May 2021 census
In Ontario, in a monthly average, there were almost 8,600 children and youth in care from 2021-2022 (.oacas.org)
In 2021 there were approximately 1,000 children in care in Nova Scotia and about 630 foster families (Department of
The child welfare system is run primarily by individual provinces, and the figures vary
More than half of the children in Canadian foster homes are indigenous, as of 2021 (bbc.com)
Indigenous children make up less than 8% of the country's child population
There is a huge need for parents with Aboriginal heritage
The the 2020-2021 Annual Report of the Director of Child and Family Services showed that 98 per cent of children and youth receiving child and family services in the Northwest Territories are Indigenous (www.gov.nt.ca)
Only 57 per cent of children and youth in the Northwest Territories are Indigenous
In Manitoba, approximately 90% of children in care are indigenous
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. -James 1:27-
There are 2 billion Christians in the World
34% of Christians consider adoption
only 1% actually do it
Fostering and adoption are not the only ways to make a huge difference in the lives of children without families:
Getting to know and love them and becoming a safe place
Supporting foster families
Supporting birth families
Supporting aging out youth
Engaging with organizations supporting these families and children
Children need the love of a family for proper, healthy development
​Attachment is crucial in children aged 0-5 for critical brain development​
Orphanages and residential care settings can not provide the love and attachment afforded by a family
The majority of children waiting for adoption locally and internationally have special needs
If left unmitigated, there are huge linkages between early childhood trauma/experience in the child welfare system and later life issues including:
physical health issues
early death
* Trauma, Turmoil and Tragedy: Understanding the Needs of Children and Youth at Risk of Suicide and Self-Harm – Representative for Children and Youth Nov 2012
* BC Vital Statistics
* AFABC – Adoptive Families Association of BC