Thinking about fostering? Wanting to understand how it all works or curious about how to begin? We are happy to provide you with up-to-date information on how to become a foster parent and what being a foster parent looks like. From legal requirements, a home study, to working alongside social workers and birth families, we want to support you in making that decision. Foster care is a beautiful way to support a child who needs a family.
Did you know that becoming a foster parent isn't the only way to make a HUGE difference in the lives of children in Canada's child welfare system? Equally important roles include:
Respite caregivers - who care for a child for a short time when their foster parents can't
This can be done as a general respite caregiver available to any foster families in your area or as a specific respite caregiver for a particular family that you know​
Birth Family Wrap-Around Support - being the support system for families struggling and navigating the child welfare system with their children.
Having enough good quality support can be the difference maker for getting their children back and keeping their children at home
Child mentoring - being there for a child in care to feel seen, heard, valued, cared about and understood.
This can take many forms from formal mentorship through an established organization or program to informal friendship and connection that is intentional about investing in the child​
Foster Family Support - being the support network for a foster family and children
Be a supporting friend
check in calls
bring coffee
bring meals
help with laundry, dishes, yard work, car maintenance, school supplies etc.
Be available to drive kids to/from events, work, school etc.
Babysitting/helping in the home
Pick up groceries, prescriptions...
If you are interested in exploring ways to support kids in care and/or foster families, or if you are a current foster parent and require support, please contact us and let us know how we can assist you. Email us at or use the contact form below.
All consultations are complimentary as we believe every child deserves a family and we want to support you and in that process!